Creativity is the spice of my life.
I always endeavour to express myself in new and creative ways.
As an award-winning watercolour artist, graphic designer and photographer,
I am constantly inspired to guide these skills, as they morph into exciting new iPad creations.
Originally most of these designs evolved from my photographs, or from those of friends.
They were then converted to artistic images and e-mailed as messages
of thankfulness, hope and/or comfort for friends and relatives.
The designs have now evolved into a brand new life of their own as greeting cards.
Debra's Roses
If you need further information - contact Jane Scott Barsanti
Jane Scott Barsanti, B.A., R.G.D.
53 Widdicombe Hill Blvd. Apt. 505
Etobicoke, Toronto, ON. M9R 1Y3
Phone: (416) 792-1146
Copyright Notice
The artwork contained in this website is protected by copyright and may not be copied, duplicated
or reproduced in print, electronically or in any other way (unless otherwise stated on this site)
without the written permission of Jane Scott Barsanti.